The Posix FTTH Survey System
© Copyright Posix
Posix Systems
Please help us plan our Fibre Routes by complete this interest survey
this is not a contract or commitment to use our services
HINT: Mouse hover over [input boxes] or italic text will give hints
Scroll to the end for General Information

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Please move the hand icon on the map below to your chosen address. Click to drop a pin.
You can both zoom-in and pan around the map. This will provide your GPS Co-ordinates.
The map starts in Pretoria East (had to start somewhere) but you can move around and
drop a pin anywhere in South Africa. One can swap views between Map and Satellite.

Physical Address:
GPS Co-ordinates:
Telephone Number:
Cellular Number:
E-mail Address:
Home or Organisation name:
What type of location
Referred here by:
Current Internet Connection(s)
ADSL:Speed: Mbps
I-Burst:Speed: Mbps
Wifi provider:Speed: Mbps
3G Cell Dongle/Cellphone Data:Speed: Mbps
Other connection:   Speed: Mbps
CAP's:Qty: Gigs
TV/Video and Phone services
TV Sets:Qty:
Satellite Services:Type:
DVD/Video's rented from video shop:Qty:
Extra “Paid for” Movies on DSTV:Qty:
Telkom Lines:Qty:
Neotel Lines:Qty:
Other VoIP Lines:Qty:
Any other information to share:
Verification Code:
No spaces, Case insensitive
Helps proves you are a Human
This will display a summary of your answers.
The summary will also be e-mailed to you.

General information

The primary purpose of this survey is to collect the location of people interested in potentially obtaining a Fibre Optic based Internet service. A summary form of this survey may also be used to raise funding for this project. Filling in this survey does not imply any form of commitment. The section on Current Internet Connections is to understand what Quality of Service (QoS) and Connectivity people currently have.

Our basic fibre service is a 100 Mbps Internet connection with no other limits on Local services and will include an uncapped  3 Megabit per second International capacity. This project has no inherent reliance on Telkom, Neotel or any other Internet provider except that Posix will when possible interconnect with other parties for the exchange of Data or for Voice termination.

The section on TV and phone services is to determine whether Dial Tone, TV Signalling and Video on Demand may also be offered.

It is the intention of Posix to provide Dial Tone (ie a phone connection) including free on-net calling and as the network grows, a “local” tariff rate to much of the country as well as low priced calls to many other parts of the world. This phone system can also be used as a “private” system in Security Villages and Complexes.

Technical information

We have tried to guess at some of your questions and given what we think is the right answer. Of course, the answers may change with time. If you have a question not answered here - please send an e-mail to: Support.
  • How does the fibre come into my house?

    The Network connection will generally be via a plastic tube (garden hose size) running between two adjacent properties. From here, there will be a "Tee" with further tubes to each property. This should lead into the property in a suitable location, perhaps a built-in garage, entrance hall or somewhere in a hallway or kitchen. Two fibre strands will be provided. Only one will be used, the other is a spare. This is connected to something like the Mikrotik Routerboard (RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN) using one of a matching pair of single mode, single strand fibre SFP's (S-3553LC20D). The link is thus a Gigabit link into your home. The service will be software limited to your contracted speeds.
    Properties with "Company" contracts will have four strands of fibre. Two strands will be used and the connection may run at 10Gbps (if physically possible and desirable). This allows for a potential future upgrade from the 1Gbps "Company" contract.
  • Where does the fibre go?

    The fibres from your property will go to a concentration point along with 500 to 4000 or so other connections. Here, each connection is terminated in its own port in a switch. These switches move the data down onto 10Gbps fibre switches which in turn moves the data onto 40Gbps switches. These connect to circuits which carry data according to its destination. Each concentration point has its own backup power and generator system. Initially, concentration points will be interconnected with redundant path circuits each running at 40Gbps, so thats 80Gbps between concentration points.
  • How does your International connection work?

    Posix will purchase services on both the SeaCom (East coast of Africa) and WACS (West coast of Africa) cable systems. These will both run to Posix equipment in London on different paths. From London, we peer in DE-CIX and LINX (soon) - two large peering points in Europe. We also purchase transit from Cogent and others...
  • How much is this going to cost me

    The minimum Monthly Internet only Package would be the Basic Service which is R600 a month. You can also buy more International Internet at R30 per Mbps per month at 20:1 contention ration. Still to be confirmed would be the cost of DialTone, probably around R30 a month per telephone number. Phone calls should be less than what Telkom currently charges but remember, On-Net calls will be free. We also hope to offer TV Set top boxes for TV services and for our virtual Video Shop. No prices yet.
    Installation charges would be the Routerboard termination equipment for around R2000. A VoIP phone instrument such as the SNOM-320 costs about the same. One might also consider buying a small UPS for when there are power interruptions. That could be from about R400.
    Posix will bring these (or similar) items in by bulk to keep these costs down.
  • What will having a Fibre Optic connection do to my House Value

    Home seekers in London, UK, are willing to pay up to 8% above market pricing for properties in areas offering very fast internet speeds. This is according to new research from LSE and Imperial College Business School. Statistics compiled over a 15-year period, from 1995-2010, showed that property prices across the UK increased on average by about 3 per cent when internet speed doubled.
    Curiously, South African home owners are often the cause of delays in rolling out fibre networks in their neighbourhoods. Some people make it challenging to dig up pavements and roads to deploy fibre infrastructure.
    This latest research, which shows a clear link between broadband speeds and house price value, is likely to change perceptions. (Taken from an article on MyBroadband)
  • I'm a gamer and play peer-to-peer games!

    You are going to love this network. Peer-to-peer will run at close to the full locally contracted speed and there will be no strange filtering on peer-to-peer connections. The native IPv6 may also help. You should expect very low round-trip-times, just a few milliseconds.
  • I want to run my own Web Server

    That is great. We encourage the hosting and development of local content. We provide static IPv4 (limited) and IPv6 addresses to allow people to do this. We also offer Domain Registration services as well as full Domain Name Services (DNS) on our Virtual-WEB platform including Secure-DNS.
  • I want to run my own Mail Server

    That is a little less great but no problem. We provide static IPv4 (limited) and IPv6 addresses to allow people to do this. However, all outbound e-mail must pass through our Mail proxy. Outbound Port 25 (SMTP) is blocked on our routers except from the Posix Mail-Relay system. This is to help control the local creation and propagation of SPAM mail. Our Outbound Mail-Relay will only accept Authenticated e-mail via the Submission port.
  • What speed is my home fibre link?

    It is effectively running at 1Gbps. It will however be software limited to 100Mbps (or whatever the locally contracted speed is). You will only be able to download from International networks (and local networks that do not Peer with Posix) at your contracted International speed. This may further be limited by your contracted contention ratio. Anything local can reach up to 100Mbps, depending on the other side. Your Upload speed will work in a similar way. Two machines on this network should be able to communicate at 100Mbps. If one machine is on another peered-to network, then it is possible that the other network may slow you down.
  • I'm a Company, why should I buy a "Company" contract?

    Company contracts valued at R2300 a month will run at a full 1Gbps locally with the standard International contracted rate of 10Mbps. No promises yet but if the fibre connection allows for 10Gbps optics to work, we may provide that as an option to allow for easier future upgrades. Of course, you can buy more International at the standard rate of R30 per Mbps for a 20:1 contended line. Companies will have the opportunity to do backups over the fibre. Standard PC's fitted with a Gigabit Ethernet interface should be able to copy to off-site backup a 10GB file in under 3 minutes. One should get the same speed in reverse.
  • I don't want 20:1 contention, give me 2:1 instead

    Certainly. But remember, there is no free lunch. The 20:1 pricing of R30 per Mbps per month is based on a 1 Mbps service being shared with 19 other people. Pay R300 per Mbps per month and enjoy a 2:1 contended service instead, sharing that 1 Mbps with just one other person. Logical offered contended ratios could possibly include: 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, 2:1 and 1:1 (or dedicated bandwidth). If you are in the business of downloading "TV Content" 24/7/365, you could ask for dedicated bandwidth pricing to avoid disappointment?
  • Why are IPv4 addresses "limited"

    The simple answer is the world is on the verge of running out of unused IPv4 addresses. IPv6 is the future and each customer will be given enough IPv6 addresses to run 256 different networks each with a huge number of endpoints (IPv6/56). We will most lightly be giving customers 8 IPv4 addresses as standard (IPv4/29).
  • What is peering and why should I care?

    Internet Service Providers (ISP's) Peer (Exchange Internet Traffic) usually to reduce costs and decrease network latency (move packets faster). A lot of the peering in South Africa is settlement free, that is - its essentially free (there may be Membership or Port charges). When peering is free, Posix counts this as local traffic.
  • I don't want Internet but am interested in just the Voice Service

    We are looking at the possibility of bringing you a Fibre too and charging the same monthly rental as Telkom would - around R140 a month for a Voice connection. After all, if you relocate, the next person may want Internet. For anyone interested in VoIP/Voice services, we can port your existing telephone number to our system.
  • I live in a Security complex, there is a Body Corporate, Home Owners association,...

    Please bring this to the attention of your local Home Owners Association or Body Corporate. Encourage them to pass on the word to the rest of the home owners. The Body Corporate wins with free Camera/Security fibre. The value of all properties can only increase with value. We are also only too willing (if you are local) to come address the representatives of your community to answer any questions face to face.
  • I represent a Security complex, can I have one line for the whole complex?

    We will supply one fibre circuit per residence. This simplifies usage, billing, providing a Quality of Service (QoS) and suchlike. This Fibre service largly replaces a Telkom line with ADSL which is traditionally provided as one line per residence. However, when a Security Compex or Village has a large enough uptake, we may provide free connectivity to Security Cameras and the Complex Entrance. We can also add an additional Service to the VoIP Phone system, so it can be used as an Intercom System to serve the Complex. This could even include an Entrance Camera which could be used by the residence to self-control Access to the Security Complex. We may also provide Wifi Access points around the Village.
  • Home Security is my concern...

    It is possible that your home Alarm System has an Ethernet port or can be fitted with an Ethernet port adapter. This could then be plugged into the Routerboard and you alarm programmed to send alarms to your Alarm company and/or to where the folk watching the community cameras are based. We can also provide the necessary type of interface to link an alarm signal to a Routerboard for about R2000. The kit includes a Battery (UPS replacement) system for the Routerboard.
  • I'm a Headmaster at a School in your area...

    Posix may provide a free fibre connection from your School through to TENET who run the University network. TENET may provide you then with full Internet Connectivity. Of course, the more parents who have service with Posix, the faster we'll act.
  • I'm interested in this for the Shopping Centre I manage

    We'd treat each shop like a private Residence - one line per shop. If enough shops purchase services, we'll also provide free WiFi access to cover the centre to provide a time-limited, daily allowance per customer device. Of course, there will be no restrictions on Locally accessable Internet sites.
  • What if I sell my house and move

    Firstly, please notify us. We can then disable that circuit. You can sell what is yours (Termination equipment and phone) to the next owner. We'll then contract with the new owner for what ever service they want.
  • When will all this happen? I want it now!

    The Project is still in early days. We need confirmation of your support so please complete and submit this Interest form. Once there is enough interest, the project will start. It will take about six months to build the core fibre routes. After that is complete, we add customers. So, to make this happen sooner, sign up and persuade your neighbours and your local community to do the same.
  • Interesting, and your Open Access policy?

    The Core of the network that is owned and operated by Posix will have an Open Access policy. Anyone with an appropriate licence (eg ECNS) may purchase or rent dark fibre (or dark 10mm tubes) along these routes. This may be of interest to people wanting an alternative route between Teraco and JINX. If you don't have an appropriate licence, Posix may light a dedicated circuit for you - providing an end-to-end data solution. Prices will be negotiated. Dark fibre or dark 10mm tube swaps may be an appropiate transaction.
  • The Satellite conspiricy theory

    Lots of TV comes to you via Satellite. Bandwidth however is not unlimited. DSTV currently broadcasts their HDTV at 720p. To deliver content at 1080p would probably take twice the bandwidth, about 20Mbps to 25Mbps.. To deliver content for Ultra HD - double again - possibly about 50Mbps. Fibre would be great for this. Did we mention our bandwidth is 1Gbps?
    Back to those Satellites... so space is a really big place? However, where we put our satellites, there are three optimal orbits.. Geo-stationary is one place. There is also the low-orbit Iridium system. To understand more, take a peek at "Space Junk", a 2012 movie available in 3D. Satellites have already collided and I presume spread their bits all over the place but much of it is still in orbit. Watch "Gravity" staring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney...
    No Satellite = no DSTV.
  • This is all great - how can I help?

    We need people to show their interest. To help you spread the word and get them to also show interest by signing up, download ours flyer here.
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Last modified: Saturday, 31st December, 2022 @ 12:40 +02:00 - weblessdomain